mandag den 14. september 2015




It's no secret that I love the Danish Design shop: Stilleben. I've worked there, and that was not a cheap job let me tell you that. I could have bought the entire store. Working there I discovered the Danish artist Anne Nowak who spray paint the most amazing and unique art pieces.
This time around Nowak has created a serie of planets, and I'm completely in love with her blue planets (see Titan above). I'm drawn by the color composition, the depth in her works and the fact that every piece is unique since each piece in handcrafted and thus not two pieces are alike.

ATWTP, Society, Uhlala and Made a Mano are four other brands that I really fancy, and they complement Nowak's art piece really well.

Check Stilleben out for more things (I) you can't live without !

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